Publication ethics

For authors

Sending a manuscript to Siglo Dieciocho implies the acceptance by the author of the Journal arbitration criteria.

Manuscripts must be the result of the author’s original work. Furthermore, sending a manuscript to Siglo Dieciocho implies the tacit acknowledgement by the author that the work has not been published before and that it is not being simultaneously evaluated in another publication.

Authors must strictly follow the “Guidelines for authors” defined by the Editorial Board, complying with the indications to ensure “anonymous evaluation” when submitting their work.

Plagiarism in any of its forms constitutes unacceptable conduct. Consequently, any manuscript that incurs in plagiarism will be eliminated from the editorial process.

The authors must clearly and completely specify their personal data (name, institutional affiliation, and research areas).

Authors must ensure that they have the proper permission, license or certification required for the use of data, analysis, surveys or comments taken from any source other than their own authorship. They must quote such material in an academically correct way. Likewise, they should not publish other people’s personal data without the expressed consent of those affected.

Authors must clearly identify in their research those parts that are supported by the works of others, including translation and adaptations of other texts, always quoting the original sources.

Authorship should be limited to those people who have made significant contributions to the conception, design, execution or interpretation of the work. Those who have made a significant contribution to the material should appear as co-authors. If there is more than one author, the Journal will respect the number of authors consigned and the order chosen by them.

Authors must present their research honestly and sincerely, without tampering with data.  They are expected to be meticulous when presenting their study method and their results or conclusions, without subterfuge or ambiguity.


For editors

The Editorial Board will be impartial when managing the works proposed for publication. The editor’s decision to accept or reject a work should be based only on the content of the manuscript, that is, on the originality, clarity and relevance it represents for the Journal.

The people who make up the Editorial Board are obliged to keep the received manuscripts and their content confidential until they have been accepted for publication. Manuscripts received for evaluation will only circulate among the members of the Editorial Board and the reviewers selected for evaluation.

No member of the Editorial Board or external reviewer may use data, arguments or interpretations contained in the submitted manuscripts for their own research.

The editor will undertake to guarantee the confidentiality of the evaluation process: he/she will not reveal to the evaluators the identity of the authors or reveal the identity of the evaluators to the authors.

All contributions will be initially evaluated by the Editorial Board. This is solely responsible for selecting, processing, and deciding which of the articles submitted to the Journal meets the editorial objectives and, therefore, could be published. Each document that is considered adequate is sent to two independent  reviewers, external to the Editorial Board, experts in their field and capable of evaluating the specific qualities of the work. The editor is responsible for the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the document.

Editors should withdraw from the editorial decisions if they have conflicts of interest regarding the articles under consideration.

The editor will be responsible for informing the author about the phase of the editorial process in which the submitted text is found, as well as the resolution and the opinions of the Editorial Board.

The editor will provide the evaluators with the guidelines that they should consider for the evaluation.

Under no circumstances will the members of the Editorial Board and the Scientific Committee encourage misconduct of any kind or deliberately allow such misconduct to occur.


For the evaluators

The evaluators undertake to notify the editor of any unethical conduct on the part of the authors.

They will undertake to maintain the confidentiality of the information related to the articles they evaluate.

For the review of the works the evaluators must rely on the guidelines of the Journal.

The evaluators must proceed at all times in an impartial and objective manner in their field of the study. They must justify their recommendations with precision and clarity.

No evaluator should evaluate manuscripts that, due to their content and information, may represent a conflict of interest for him/her. In such cases, Siglo Dieciocho expects the referee to excuse himself from receiving the work to be evaluated.


Conflict of interest

The members of the editorial team and the evaluators will withdraw in the event of a conflict of interest with respect to an author or authors of a manuscript to be evaluated. Any conflict of interest between the authors, reviewers and members of the Editorial Board and the Scientific Committee will be avoided. Evaluators should withdraw when there is a direct relationship and/or recent and significant professional collaboration between an author and evaluator. Editors should withdraw from the final decision to publish the manuscript when there is a direct relationship and/or a recent and significant professional collaboration between an author and editor.

In the event that a Journal’s publisher or editors are made aware of any allegation of research misconduct relating to a published article in the Journal, the publisher or editor shall follow COPE’s guidelines (or equivalent) in dealing with allegations.

In the case of complaints or objections issued by the authors to the opinions of the external evaluators or to any aspect of the evaluation process, the Editorial Board will analyze the case and resolve according to the criteria declared, preserving at all times the anonymity of the parties involved and the due respect for the rules of the Journal.

In case of discussions or corrections to articles already published, when the author requests to insert a modification, the Editorial Board will deal with such requests assessing its relevance and will communicate its decision to the author.