Edmund Burke: historiographic review on economy and slavery from the gender perspective


  • María Gabriela Vasquez
  • Gustavo Alberto Masera Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Edmund Burke, Conservatism, Political economy, Slavery, Gender


The article raises the various interpretations that exist about the Anglo-Irish thinker and politician, accepting his ideological insertion in the great current of conservatism. Several branches of this current of thought look for theoretical foundations in Burke. Especially those who are confronted by the revolutionary processes in France. However, Burke has diverse political and ideological facets, as well as philosophical, aesthetic, and political interests. There is coherence between his apparently dissimilar positions: facing the American problem, the questions of India, Ireland and the French revolution. The research synthesizes The research synthesizes his vision of history, the economy and society. In addition, the project of him to reform the system of slavery which, eventually, would tend to its gradual abolition. At this point, Burke himself reveals his contradictions between his role as defender of the government and as parliamentarian against the growth of the commercial society expressed by the British Empire. Finally, their conceptions of slavery and race are pondered from a gender perspective. 



How to Cite

Vasquez, M. G., & Masera, G. A. (2023). Edmund Burke: historiographic review on economy and slavery from the gender perspective. Siglo Dieciocho, (4), 91-111. Retrieved from http://siglodieciocho.com.ar/index.php/sd/article/view/81



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