Reflections on the theoretical foundations of the free moral community in the rousseaunian social contract and in hegelian phenomenology


  • Christian Alberto Montero Universidad de Buenos Aires


Rousseau, Hegel, Free moral community, Autonomous individuality, Freedom


Our paper focuses on exposing the theoretical content that we find in Rousseau´s Social Contract and Hegel´s Phenomenology of the spirit with regard to the formation of a free moral community. In these authors, the question about self-conscious society presupposes the knowledge of the immanent truth in it, producing, thus, a concept that strives to be concrete. Indeed, they narrate the desperate path of alienation that needs to be transcended in order to conceptualize a community in which morality reigns, making individualities worthy of themselves. Therefore, the knowledge of the free community develops the truth of the autonomous individuality.



How to Cite

Montero, C. A. (2023). Reflections on the theoretical foundations of the free moral community in the rousseaunian social contract and in hegelian phenomenology. Siglo Dieciocho, (4), 113-133. Retrieved from



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