The Radicals criticize Contractarianism: Anna Doyle Wheeler’s reading


  • María Luisa Femenías Universidad Nacional de La Plata


Radicals, Anna Doyle Wheeler, Contractarianism, Marriage contract, Women's rights


François Poullain de la Barre’s Equality ideal served as a historical and philosophical evaluative criteria, useful to distinguish between weak and strong forms of Equality, for instance between Condorcet, on the one hand, and Rousseau, on the other. The key problem here consisted in identifying what is encompassed in the concept of “Equality”, or, in other words, who are included (or not) within “Equality”. This article analyses the division between British Utilitarians regarding this problem. Adherents to the theory of the Contract, they took marriage contracts of the time as token cases of the limitations of contractarianism. This is the context of William Thompson’s and Anna Doyle Wheeler’s Appeal to the One Half.

Author Biography

María Luisa Femenías, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

María Luisa Femenías es Profesora Consulta de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (2016). Premio Nacional Konex a la Trayectoria Académica 2006-2016, Doctora Honoris Causa, por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (2017), entre otras distinciones. Especializada en Antropología filosófica, Teoría de Género, y Feminismos. Obras recientes: Ellas lo pensaron antes (2019 y reed.), Simone de Beauvoir ¿Madre del feminismo? (2021) y Los disidentes: Filósofos olvidados de la memoria (2022).



How to Cite

Femenías, M. L. (2022). The Radicals criticize Contractarianism: Anna Doyle Wheeler’s reading. Siglo Dieciocho, (3), 101-125. Retrieved from



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