"The horse will surely change eventually into a human being”: considerations about the horse and its transmutation in Anne Conway


  • Natalia Strok Universidad de Buenos Aires - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas - Universidad Nacional de La Plata


Anne Conway, Transmutation, Created species, Hierarchy of beings, Metaphysics


In Principia philosophiae antiquissimae et recentissimae (1690) Anne Conway (1631-1679) develops her monistic metaphysics regarding creation, whose distinctive characteristic is transmutations for the individuals that compose it. In chapter VI of this posthumous work, Conway exemplifies this process of transmutation with the case of a horse, which changes, after death, into a human being. In this article I intend to analyze this example to show that it is not casual that the horse in question rises in the hierarchy of beings. To do this I will develop my interpretation of Conway’s philosophy, her understanding of created substance and its characteristics. In this way, I want to point out that her philosophy opens up the possibility of another understanding of non-human animals by human beings, even when the latter continue to occupy a prominent place in her proposal.

Author Biography

Natalia Strok, Universidad de Buenos Aires - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas - Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Natalia Strok es Jefa de Trabajos Prácticos en Historia de la Filosofía Medieval de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y en Metafísica de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. Es Doctora en Filosofía por la UBA (2012). Se desarrolla como Investigadora Adjunta en CONICET con un proyecto de investigación sobre Ralph Cudworth y Anne Conway. Es investigadora responsable del PICT 2019 “Necesidad y contingencia en los márgenes de la historia de la filosofía medieval” y participa de proyectos en la UBA y en la UNLP. Ha publicado numerosos artículos en revistas internacionales y es la traductora del Tratado sobre la eterna e inmutable moralidad de Cudworth (Buenos Aires, 2021). Ha realizado estadías de investigación en Alemania, Brasil y Estados Unidos.



How to Cite

Strok, N. (2022). "The horse will surely change eventually into a human being”: considerations about the horse and its transmutation in Anne Conway. Siglo Dieciocho, (3), 59-80. Retrieved from http://siglodieciocho.com.ar/index.php/sd/article/view/63



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