Fancy, Sense, Wit: modes of reason in Margaret Cavendish's feminist philosophy


  • Claudia Lavié Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento


Cavendish, Reason, Good sense, Wit, Fantasy


In this paper, we explore the meaning of reason in Margaret Cavendish’s work by means of three pairs: reason/fantasy, reason/good sense and reason/wit. Our hypothesis is that these allow us to articulate differences with other XVIIth-century perspectives about reason. Firstly, we consider fantasy, which is, according to Cavendish, a legitimate speculative practice not opposed to reason. Secondly, we expose the author’s thoughts about the role of reason in scientific research. We support the interpretation that her critical position about instruments wasn’t anti-scientific; rather, she believed it necessary to integrate the results of observations and experiments to the theories dictated by “reason and good sense”. Finally, we focus on reason in terms of knowledge and power circulation, inseparable from gender.

Author Biography

Claudia Lavié, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento

Claudia Lavié es Profesora en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata y Magister en Ciencias Políticas (FLACSO). Se desempeña como Profesora Adjunta regular de Filosofía Política (Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento) y JTP regular de Historia de los Sistemas Políticos (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires). Áreas de Investigación: Historia de la Filósofas Modernas, Filosofía Política Moderna, Metodología de la Historia del Pensamiento Político.



How to Cite

Lavié, C. (2022). Fancy, Sense, Wit: modes of reason in Margaret Cavendish’s feminist philosophy. Siglo Dieciocho, (3), 17-40. Retrieved from



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