The Marivaudian satire. The example of The Indigent Philosopher


  • Rodrigue Boulingui Sorbonne Université - Collège-Lycée Saint-Joseph d’Argenteuil


Marivaux, Genre, Instability, Motifs, Satire


Marivaux has always been presented as a playwright, a novelist, a storyteller, a journalist, a philosopher. These titles do not suffer from the shadow of a doubt among his contemporaries like Voltaire, Diderot or Beaumarchais. Marivaux's work continues to surprise critics. It seems to us that Marivaux, by the turns of his writing also develops a thought which one can bring closer to the satire. This is a blind spot in Marivaux's studies that has hardly been explored by academic critics. When one reads L’Indigent philosophe, one sees the orchestration of motifs that are generally found in Latin satire. Marivaux exploits them to his liking in an offbeat way here and there in his work in general and in L’Indigent philosophe in particular. His improvised writing and the mixture of episodic and capricious structures lead to the conclusion that there could be a secret latinity of the author of L’Epreuve which shows the extent of his culture.

Author Biography

Rodrigue Boulingui, Sorbonne Université - Collège-Lycée Saint-Joseph d’Argenteuil

Rodrigue Boulingui est titulaire d’un doctorat en Littérature et Civilisation Françaises de Sorbonne Université. Sa thèse a porté sur la satire chez Diderot et est également intéressé par les auteurs de la francophonie. Il a publié: « La satire dans Femme nue, Femme noire de Calixthe Beyala », dans la Revue African Journal of Literature and Humanities (AFJOLIH) en septembre 2020  et « Le droit à la satire des corps dans la trilogie de Benicien Bouschedy », Revue Dialogue francophones, n°25, 2022, entre autres. Actuellement, Rodrigue Boulingui est Docteur associé au Centre de Recherche (CELLF16-18) de Sorbonne Université et professeur de Lettres modernes au Collège-Lycée Saint-Joseph d’Argenteuil (France).



How to Cite

Boulingui, R. (2022). The Marivaudian satire. The example of The Indigent Philosopher. Siglo Dieciocho, (3), 191-204. Retrieved from


