La Reception of Kant in Mexico


  • Gustavo Leyva Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana


Reception of Kant in Mexico, Phenomenology y Neo-Kantianism in Mexico, José Ortega y Gasset, Antonio Caso, Adalberto García Mendoza, Francisco Larroyo, Fernando Salmerón, Dulce María Granja Castro


In this article I propose to present the reception and development of Kant's philosophy in Mexico. To this end, I first deal with the way in which Kant's thought was initially received in Mexico through Neo-Kantianism, fundamentally in two aspects: on the one hand, the one that refers to the work and the teaching and editorial activity of José Ortega y Gasset and, on the other hand, the one that refers to the teaching activity of Antonio Caso and his disciples. In a second moment I turn to the reception that has taken place especially since the seventies of the last century, characterized by an academic professionalization and rigor that has crystallized in various projects such as the foundation of the Biblioteca Immanuel Kant, as well as in works and reflections of various Mexican philosophers. I proceed by addressing recent developments in the field of theoretical philosophy, and then turn to those that have taken place in the field of practical philosophy, to finally mention those that have taken place in the reception of the third Kantian Critique.



How to Cite

Leyva, G. (2024). La Reception of Kant in Mexico. Siglo Dieciocho, (5), 251-273. Retrieved from



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