Kant and reciprocity. Reasons for partiality in Ciro Alegría


  • Alessandro Caviglia Pontifica Universidad Católica del Perú


Ciro Alegría, Kant, reciprocity, reasons for partiality, immanent criticism


The present work carries out a reconstruction of the normative theory of reciprocity developed by the Peruvian philosopher Ciro Alegría. This theory has drawn from Kantian sources and has the objective of serving as a tool for an immanent critique of society. This text carries out the reconstruction focusing on the centrality they have in the reasons for the partiality in the theory in question. To do this, it begins by presenting the way normative principles are extracted from the criticism of metaphysics, to see the way in which these principles are reasons for action. Next, the difference between general reasons and reasons of partiality is realized and it is indicated how it can be found in the second and third formulation of the categorical imperative. Finally, it is shown how personal reasons are the central axis of the normative theory of reciprocity.



How to Cite

Caviglia, A. (2024). Kant and reciprocity. Reasons for partiality in Ciro Alegría. Siglo Dieciocho, (5), 291-302. Retrieved from http://siglodieciocho.com.ar/index.php/sd/article/view/112



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