Mario Caimi, reader of Kant.

His interpretation of the Transcendental Aesthetics and of the Transcendental Logic


  • Laura Pelegrín Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas - Universidad de Buenos Aires


Mario Caimi, Kant, Transcendental Aesthetic, Transcendental Logic, Sensation


The objective of this research is to present Mario Caimi's reading of Transcendental Aesthetics and Transcendental Logic. We will exhibit the common thread that guides Caimi's study of these sections of the Critique of Pure Reason and we will highlight the elements that are sustained throughout his research. Our hypothesis is that Caimi's reading has the problem of method as its guiding idea. We maintain that the synthetic nature of the method provides the main key to its interpretation. Secondly, we will show that Caimi reads these sections of the Critique as an explanation of how thought is related to reality. The problem of the method is the guide to answer the problem of the relationship between being and thinking. We will show that based on this approach, two other aspects that run through Caimi's reading are understood. Firstly, the rejection of a psychological interpretation of Kant's work. Secondly, the effort to display the relevance of the hyletic moment in the different sections of the Critique.



How to Cite

Pelegrín, L. (2024). Mario Caimi, reader of Kant.: His interpretation of the Transcendental Aesthetics and of the Transcendental Logic. Siglo Dieciocho, (5), 203-225. Retrieved from



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