Matter's power in Schelling's Timaeus commentary


  • Diego Molgaray Universidad de Buenos Aires


Plato, Schelling, Timaeus, Matter, Power, Demiurge


When addressing the commentary on Plato's Timaeus composed by Schelling, we find elements that will be central to his philosophy, particularly the notions of idea and matter. In the present work, we try to account for central aspects of these notions, particularly that of matter and its relationship with power. After an introduction to the work as a whole, we will offer a brief introduction to the Timaeus, outlining its main sections, to give a framework for what Schelling is commenting on. Next, we will present the notion of matter in the context of Schelling's interpretation of the thought elaborated by Plato in this work. In the following section, we will dedicate ourselves to the implications of the notion of idea, as well as the way in which Schelling indicates that Plato integrates the genres exposed in the Philebus. After this, we approach the notion of Demiurge, in which the particular Platonic cosmogony is offered in the light of Schelling's thought. Then, we dwell on the notion of the self-movement of matter, in which the aspects seen before are integrated, but from an organic point of view, by incorporating that the world created by the Demiurge is a living being endowed with reason. Finally, we give some final conclusions.



How to Cite

Molgaray, D. (2024). Matter’s power in Schelling’s Timaeus commentary. Siglo Dieciocho, (5), 39-58. Retrieved from



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