About the Journal

Aims and scope

Editorial process

Publication ethics and plagiarism

Copyright and licence

Open Access Policy


Preservation policy


Aims and scope

Siglo Dieciocho is released yearly every july, and it serves as a publishing organ for the Asociación Argentina de Estudios del Siglo XVIII. Being of a multidisciplinary nature, Siglo Dieciocho seeks to publish original and innovative works examining different aspects of the culture of the eighteenth century. Contributions are welcomed in the areas of Philosophy, Literature and Belles Lettres, History, Music, Law, Economy, and other disciplines pertaining to the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, especially valuing studies with an interdisciplinary scope. Siglo Dieciocho targets the academic community devoted to the study of the eighteenth century, but it can also be of interest to a wider public given that its contents contribute to the understanding of our present.

The Journal has a digital format of open and free access with the purpose of facilitating and promoting the publication and dissemination of rigorous research on the eighteenth century. Works in Spanish, in English, in French, and in Portuguese are accepted for evaluation, which may cover not only the Hispano-American culture but also any other region of the world. Although it is expected that the authors explore themes centrally associated with the indicated period, they are also welcome to inquire about the background and repercussions of these themes at other historical moments, whether previous or subsequent.

The Journal publishes: articles, critical notes or debates, and book reviews. In addition, dossiers (with a common subject) and conference proceedings from academic events organized by the AAES XVIII will also be published by the Journal.


Editorial Process

The evaluation and publication processes entail no fees for authors or scientific institutions.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to determine the pertinence or the interest of the manuscripts submitted for their publication in the Journal. The manuscripts taken into consideration for their publication will undergo an external evaluation process under the double-blind peer review system. The name of the author will be kept in anonymity, as well as those of the two external reviewers charged with the manuscript’s evaluation. Their assessment will take into account the quality, relevance, originality, and clarity of the submitted texts, as well as the use of updated bibliography. In the event of divergent assessments, a third evaluation under the same system will be requested. There are four possible decisions for any evaluation: “accepted without changes”, “accepted with minor changes”, “accepted with major changes”, and “rejected”. In the event of the manuscript being rejected, the author or authoress will be informed of the reasons for that decision. In case of controversy, a third evaluation will be required, subject to the same system.

For more information on the reviewers and the authors ethical responsabilities, please click here.


Publication ethics and plagiarism

Siglo Dieciocho adheres to the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE: http://www.publicationethics.org/), [Principles of transparency and best practice in scholarly publishing https://doaj.org/apply/transparency/#principles-of-transparency-and-best-practice-in-scholarly-publishing], as well as to the Guidelines for the Ethical Behavior in Human and Social Sciences endorsed by the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET’s administrative resolution 2857/2006, http://convocatorias.conicet.gov.ar/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/RD-20061211-2857.pdf). Other guidelines considered on this subject are those of the European Association of Science Editors (EASE: http://www.ease.org.uk/).

External referees commit themselves to preserving the confidentiality of the evaluation process by abstaining from sharing information contained in the manuscript; they also commit themselves to objectively assess it, by making impartial remarks, by proposing constructive suggestions, and by respecting the author’s or authoress’ personal position, even if it does not coincide with their own. If an external referee notices some evidence of plagiarism, facts forgery, or other similar reprehensible practices (see COPE’s Principles), she should report them to the Editorial Board. The Journal uses open source plagiarism detection tools.

The evaluation process usually takes four months from the reception of the manuscript to the communication of the referees’ decision. By submitting a manuscript to Siglo Dieciocho, authors a. agree to refrain from sending it to other journals until the evaluation process is finished, b. declare that theirs is an original and unpublished work, which does not fall into plagiarism (total or partial), nor into auto-plagiarism. The Journal reserves the right to decide whether to accept articles that were originally published in other languages and later translated to Spanish or Portuguese for their submission to Siglo Dieciocho. In this case, authors should notify Siglo Dieciocho’s editor. In the event of a work written by more than one author or authoress, the Journal will respect the order of appearance chosen by them.


License and Copyright

Siglo Dieciocho is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).


This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials. Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions and may deposit versions of their work in an institutional repository or others of their choice.


Open Access Policy

Siglo Dieciocho is an open access journal, which thus means that its content is available free of charge and that users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose.



The dissemination of Siglo Dieciocho is carried out through the Open Journal System (OJS), weekly through the publications of our social networks (IG: siglodieciochorevista, FB: Siglo Dieciocho, Tw: @SigloDieciocho), and periodically among the members of the Asociación Argentina de Estudios del Siglo XVIII by email.


Preservation Policy

The Journal uses the OJS, created by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), as a platform for receiving and publishing manuscripts, which offers preservation service for content published on the site through the PKP Preservation Network. In addition, the Journal periodically produces backup copies on external hard drives of the information published on the site and the database.


ISSN 2684-0553